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Who was Hannah Arendt?

Hannah Arendt (1906~75) is one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century. In 1924, she began studying philosophy at the University of Marburg. There, Arendt started a romantic relationship with her professor, Martin Heidegger, who later joined the Nazis.

Arendt, Hannah [Source:]

In 1933, as Hitler took office as a chancellor, she had no choice but to flee Germany to France as a Jewish. After Germany occupied France, Arendt again had to escape to the US. In 1950, she resumed connection with Heidegger at her husband Heinrich Blücher's suggestion. She started to gain a reputation as a philosopher through her book, "Origin of Totalitarianism" (1951). Her other famous works include "The human condition" (1958), and "Eichman in Jerusalem" (1963).

Arendt reported the trial of the Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichman in "Eichman in Jerusalem." Eichman was the man behind the Holocaust. He first started his career as a professional in the deportation of Jewish.

After the fall of the Nazis, he ran away to Argentina. But the Israeli intelligence officers caught him and brought him to justice. Eichman was sentenced to death and hanged on in 1962.

At the court, Eichman showed no glimpse of embarrassment. He was confident, consistently quoting Kant's categorical imperative wrongfully. Eichman claimed himself an expert on Jewish as he read several books on them. Moreover, he insisted that he was merely following orders, meaning he had not violated any laws. He was more than a petty official. Eichman willingly participated in the deportation for his success. He continuously came up with ideas for the displacement.

Adolf Eichmann listening to an Israeli court's verdict [Source:]

As its subtitle 'A Report on the Banality of Evil' suggests, Arendt argued that Eichman is not a particular evil being. But instead, Eichman was an ordinary man driven by 'thoughtlessness.' He didn't hate Jewish. Some physiologists even diagnosed him as "normal." He was just a bureaucrat who failed to think from others' perspectives. Arendt also focused on how the Nazis used mild vocabulary. Instead of 'genocide' they used a term like 'Final Solution." It helped the Nazis feel less sense of guilt.

This paper brought controversy to Arendt. Some accused her of victim blaming as she criticized some Jewish authorities were partly responsible for Holocaust. Also, suggesting that everyone could be Eichman was highly contentious.

Yoonseo Hur, Grade 11

Apgujeong High School

Editor Suhh Yeon Kim

Source List:

"Hannah Arendt." Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

"Adolf Eichmann." Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 15 Mar. 2023,

Arendt, Hannah. Yerusallem Ŭi Eichman. Translated by Kim Sŏn-uk, Han'gilsa, 2019.

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